Monday, October 19, 2015

Caldo De Res

I recently went to the second weekend of the ACL music festival. It was fun and exciting and exhausting. I discovered a new favorite band (Twenty-One Pilots) and greatly enjoyed an old favorite (Foo Fighters, They are amazing!) I also somehow managed to come out of it with a terrible cold. 

My week was horrible - I was exhausted, grumpy, and probably more than a little bit contagious. I was greatly looking forward to the weekend so I could lay on my couch all day and catch up on my Netflix. 

What I really wanted though was to have my mom visit and spoil me (yes, I'm an adult... don't judge!) . Unfortunately, she lives about 5 hours away from me. Although she very graciously offered to ride her bike up to make me soup (ha ha, mom), I realized that I had to take matters into my own hands. 

I needed to eat something healthy so I decided to try my hand at making caldo de res -  a beef bone broth / vegetable soup. Delicious and nutritious!