Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Sunny Tidbits

Good morning! I hope you're enjoying August. Can you believe that the summer is almost over? I'm always thrilled for fall, but it still seems too sudden! Here are a couple of links to take your mind off the beginning of another month.

- "Do you have a flag?" Really, if you haven't watched Eddie Izzard's Dressed to Kill, you must! (Austin Eavesdropper)

 - Ch-ch-ch-changes: (Free People Blog)

 - I'm a sucker for mindless action movies so I'll watch Battleship. You couldn't pay me to watch New Year's Eve, though! (Lainey Gossip)

 - Jewelry!!! (This is glamorous)

 - I don't normally wear watches, but these look so tempting! I fell in love with the ruby watch at the very bottom of the page: (the glamourai)

 - In high school, it was the end of the world (or at least your night) if someone wore the safe outfit as you. I remember one of my friends throwing a huge fit, telling off the other girl, and demanding we leave the party so she could go change immediately. Ah, high school... never a dull moment: (Hello Giggles)

 - Yes, I still need pictures on my wall: (Camille Styles)

 - Pumpkin donuts. Already thinking about fall: (Family Kitchen)

 - Red velvet brownies. So unhealthy but yummmm! (Smells like home)

 - Since we're already being unhealthy: pretzel cookies with chocolate & peanut butter chips: (Sugar Cooking)

Have a lovely day!

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