Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Sunny Tidbits

Good morning! I hope you are enjoying this last day in May. Can you believe that it's June already? This year is flying by! If it takes about 18 months to feel at home in a new city, then I only have a little bit over a year left. Yay!

Here are a couple of things to read with your morning coffee. Enjoy!

 - GREAT posters and, um... I really wish I was at Book Expo America too! (Austin Eavesdropper)

 - I lost my favorite hat the last time I went to Boston - it completely disappeared from my hotel room. I'm looking for a new one, but can't find another that makes me completely happy: (the Glamourai)

 - This reminded me that I have so much left to decorate in my apartment: (Decor8)

 - DIY ideas: (loving.living.small)

 - Another great DIY idea: (shopruche)

 - I love looking at people's bookshelves too; they say so much about a person: (Little French Nest)

 - These pictures make me happy: (This is Glamorous)

 - I tried making this once before, while I was in high school, but I made the mistake of not following my gut and listened to my friend's advice as to how I should whip the cream. The whole thing was a disaster! It was tiramisu mush (although it did taste good!) I'm trying this again now that I'm older and wiser! (m loves m)

 - Why can't we just stick to what nature gave us? (the Kitchn)

 - Are you watching Game of Thrones? I saw one episode, but don't have HBO. I am, however, considering getting it just for the summer. Any thoughts? (Lainey Gossip)

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